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It's a weblog! ... sort of.

Friday, April 26 2024

xml-weblog code updated


We're still here !!! And, after a long leave of absence, I've made some progress on updating the xml-weblog code. The most important new developments are AvantGo support (added a while ago) and an XML/RSS feed for news aggregators (now available at rss.php).

I will also soon be adding support for the Blogger and MetaWeblog XML-RPC APIs, with the goal of being able to submit stories from my news aggregator, the fantastic NetNewsWire, which not only does a great job aggregating RSS feeds, but has a nifty neato weblog editor built in (in the full version). The theory is that once this is all up & running, I will actually have time to *post* to; I have a whole bunch of stuff I've been saving up.

Full details on the xml-weblog code updates are available in this article on

posted by Loki on Thu, 06 Nov 2003 13:56:57 -0600